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Haki One Piece - Similarity Skypea and Indonesia Country

Haki One Piece - When I first read the arc skypea, I suspect with the word 'mantra' which is a term in Indonesian. At that time I also try to pay attention to little things glorious arc and arc skypea. right or wrong, this is what I found from these similarities:

Batik On Pants Enel

Well, all must be aware of pants Enel has Batik motifs. Batik is a dyeing technique that originated from Indonesia.

Enel Ear and Dayak Tribe Ear

Indeed Enel ear length, ear-like Buddha. But when I see it directly connect it to the ears of Dayak tribes. when I searched on Google I found that I find pictures of the parents who so resembles the Dayak tribe Style Enel. White hat became a white bathing cap, long ears and wearing earrings similar. I think it's no coincidence, how do you think, Oda Sensei? lol

 Southbird and Tingang Bird

Tingang Bird or family hornbills (Bucerotidae / Hornbill) known by the indigenous Dayak tribe in Kalimantan, especially as a bird that has the elegance and beauty. This bird comes the inspiration of some movement or dance the name of the Dayak people in Borneo. so, See the resemblance to Southbird? Has two strange lumps resembling topknot on the head, and a large beak. Similar is not it?

Nora - anacondas

Anaconda is actually quite identical with the Amazon Forest, and even famous movie 'Anaconda'. But when i saw Nora (anaconda) swell due to 'live hundreds of years and are in areas with lower gravity,' I think this story is more similar to the story sequel anacondas 'Hunt of the Blood Orchid'? There Anaconda enlarged because it can live hundreds of years after eating the Blood Orchid. And do not forget the film's setting is the island of Borneo, Indonesia! Legend and fact about this giant snake has always been there in the East Kalimantan Dayak tribe. They believe it as a dragon because they are 'they say' see it has a horn.

Jaya - Irian Jaya

Jaya, the island with the shape of the skull. is not such thing as too similar to Irian Jaya? Irian Jaya is a province on the island of Papua, Indonesia, with a shape like a bird. Could the idea that Oda's story inspired skull-shaped island is split in two? Never forget that the island of Irian now split in two, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. Guinea alone form an image similar to a bird, with the eastern part of the body section, and the western part of his head, therefore this section is often referred to as the Bird's Head (vogelkoop / birdhead). Probably nothing, but who can guarantee?

Gold massive mountain on the island of Jaya, and the mountain Ersberg (the world's largest gold mine) in Irian Jaya
 Norland told to King Lyneel on a 'Mountain Gold' found on the island of Jaya. After they returned to it turns out that gold has disappeared. coincidence or not, in the history of Irian Jaya, Indonesia rather have a mountain of gold as the world's Largest Gold Mine, Mount Ersberg. The mountain is abundant gold, even before the gold can be found on the surface of the soil without digging. Historically (until now) is controlled by the Freeport mine from the United States. There is even the term "United States" was built by gold Papua. In the story, the tribe Shandia Gold is also exploited by Enel to build the Maxim.

Mantra (Kenbunshoku Haki on Blue Sea)

Indonesian dictionary (2001) defines as the wording that had elements of poetry (such as rhyme and rhythm) are considered to contain magical powers, usually uttered by the shaman or handler to compete with other supernatural powers. In English 'mantra' means 'Magic Formula', 'spell' or 'incantation'. Mantra is used only in Indonesian. So it is proper I said Oda Sensei uses Indonesian term is not it?

maybe this is just my prediction and opinion only. But I am slightly convinced that ODA sensei did take inspiration from the story arc skypea Indonesia.

2 Responses to "Haki One Piece - Similarity Skypea and Indonesia Country"

  1. nice findings :D oda really likes to base islands from places in the real world and makes it into his own unique world.
